Tuesday 7 April 2015

Manifesting Successfully

I came across a few videos of 'The Secret' speaker Joe Vitale on Youtube and found them to be a nice concise wrap up on manifesting your desires using the Law of Attraction. I just wanted to highlight a couple of helpful reminders.

Firstly, think about what you want to manifest as playfully as you can. This creates excitement which is a good vibration and Joe advocates saying 'wouldn't it be cool if.' This was something his friend started saying and found that he manifested things he wanted a lot more successfully.

Saying 'wouldn't it be cool if I attracted this amount of money/got the ideal job/this person etc' is playful and has a sense of detachment which is crucial for manifestation because if you are desperate to create your intention you are unconsciously saying you do not think it is going to happen; by wanting something desperately you are putting out the energy of needing it which just attracts more 'needing' in your life.

Have clarity of purpose with a sense of fun. Focus on what you want clearly but without attachment to it - write it down clearly as 'wouldn't it be cool if'' and then forget about it.

You visualize if you can do so with the right feelings of relaxation, happiness and already having it. Not if you are in a real state of needing. Practicing meditation can help you stay relaxed, detached and in a state of enjoyment. That is why the best results come from feeling excited about something and then forgetting about it - if you force yourself to visualise further and do so longingly then you have moved out of the positive vibration.

I personally know this works because my brother entered a twitter competition to win a limited edition album of his favourite band actually and won beating loads of entries! I always thought - wow what are the odds, he never ever wins anything and now he does and it's his favourite bands album, it must be the law of attraction as he has this band playing on repeat etc - but recently however he told me a different story. 

In actual fact what happened was he saw the competition, got very excited, entered it by retweeting the competition tweet and then totally forgot about it! He didn't visualise holding the album or anything like that. It was a real shock to him getting a notification that he had won a competition he hadn't thought of since entering. He was just so excited and in such a good vibration when he first saw and entered the competition that that was enough. This matches perfectly to what Joe Vitale is saying here. It was even a bit of a tough pill to swallow for me I must admit as I had been forcing myself to visualise certain things and then wonder why they would not manifest. It helped me accept that actually it all comes down to FEELING.

Step 5  'Nevellize (named after author Neville Goddard)your Goal' explains more. Use mental visualization along with your 'wouldn't it be cool if' intention, remaining as relaxed as possible to take away the desperation energy. But the 'Nevellization' step says you must feel how you would if what you want has already happened.

Visualize the end result as though it has already passed. So if you wanted to win the lottery for example, imagine the feeling afterwards of having just checked your bank account after the money has been deposited and feel that feeling of happiness as you see the amount and the feeling of 'I feel so free that's so cool that I won that' or imagine having just done your interview with the newspaper for having won the jackpot. Reflect on what it feels like now that it is over and has been attained. Go to the end result. Enjoying the moment it's done and your wish has been fulfilled!

See the rest of the short video series below.

Image 1 - http://www.successconsciousness.com/

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